That’s what I think when they ask me how we want to be as a magazine. That is the word that spins when we think about articles, or challenges (have you seen how unique is our Challenge Girl?). Even when we choose the image that represents us.
It is not a small thing, it is difficult to be different when most people consume the same, or when we do not fully know the rest of the options. So we may sometimes coincide with other publications in ideas, concepts, values.
And it’s not bad, we have clear what values we want to highlight and why, and we’re not going to change them because someone else has the same. On the contrary, we feel that it is a reinforcement to this change of which we want to be a part. This paradigm change in which we start thinking about fashion according to our life, and not the other way around.
The new paradigm of fashion.
The choice of the cover for this month was very special. First, because the idea has been stalking me for months, maybe since we chose the first cover. Second, because it was a picture that I fell in love with (by Vicky Poma). Pure art, a woman who looks strong and unstoppable, but with thousands of feelings that overflow her eyes. A queen, without doubts.
Everything a woman is: strong, bold, capable of what she proposed, invincible. An armor on the outside, carrying a heavy crown and a natural leader. Inside, a container of emotions: mother, friend, partner.
That duality defines us. The ability to be soft and fierce at the same time.
That’s why we decided, in the last month of the year, to pay a tribute to all of you. Many have carried a heavy year of change, many others have advanced in their dreams and fulfilled goals. It does not matter where you are, or how your balance for this year ends. The sure thing is that you have worked hard, there is no doubt about it.
Because it is not a matter of luck that you have grown professionally, or that you are more confident about yourself. Or that you have discovered which dress shape fit you best. It is not a matter of luck that you have graduated, or that you have endured hundreds of ups and downs this year. If you have reached to this point, it is for all your work and sacrifice. Because you have decided to stop spending hours with your loved ones to progress and give them the best. Because, apparently, women can do everything.
So we invite you to take your year and learn from it. We invite you to give yourself some time for you, because investing in you is also part of your achievements.
We are always going to try to push you forward. Not because you MUST be able to do everything, but because we all have that potential.
And for that reason we are going to offer this end of the year: For your potential.

Vicky Poma
The photographer behind our wonderful cover.
Lens artist, black and white laboratory worker, with a unique view.
Lover of life, travel and bicycle.
Vibrant, fun, unique.