Today I am back and decided to take advantage of New Year’s Eve to do our challenge.
Have you ever had a thousand things to do on December 31st and then you end up all rushed trying to get ready for New Year’s Eve dinner?
Oh, and the worst! You look for ideas on the internet and they all seem to take a lot of time to do, so you end up unchanged and not quite as polite as you may expected.
Well, in today’s challenge we’re going to try and make an eye makeup pretty much produced in less than ten minutes.
I’m starting this eye makeup at 4:38 p.m.
The first thing I did was to apply a concealer with a flat brush, especially the eyelid.
The next step is to take a nude eye shadow and apply it on the concealer, to seal it.
Now I’m going to start using the color shades. The first shadow I’ll use will be in reddish burnt tone, I’ll apply it above the crease. Then I’ll use a brown tone: this I’m going to apply below the previous color and I will blur them together.
I’m going to add a little bit of depth to this look by applying a gray color to the outer corner of my eyelid. It is important to form a small triangle with this shade. Now I’m going to clean my mobile eyelid with the help of a concealer and a flat brush. Warning: I only did it from the middle of my eyelid to the lacrimal. I don’t want to cover the gray triangle I just did.
Now I’m going to apply a mousse shade in pink. This tone has a lot of brightness, so this will give a lot of light to this look. TIP: If you do not have a mousse eyeshadow, to achieve the same effect, you can use a liquid shadow or a powder shade that pigments very well.
I’m almost finishing this look! I’m going to take a black shadow and apply it over the triangle I previously made. This time I’m going to blur this black shadow with the pink shadow.
Then, with the help of a Beauty blender and my makeup foundation, I marked a line from the outer corner of my eye to the corner of my eyebrow. This helped me make the makeup look more defined.
The next step was to take an angular brush, and apply the Black shadow on my water line. Also over the eyelashes on the movable eyelid. So I can define my eyes very well and make my eyelashes even more visible.
Finally, i curl my eyelashes and applied a little mascara, so that my eyes were more intense.
And DOOOONEEE! Ended up.. Right at 4:46.
For a moment I thought I wouldn’t make it, but it wasn’t really that hard. The truth is that they are very few steps.
We are accustomed to see that a very produced look is made based on a thousand steps. But today we saw that we can look really well in less than 10 minutes, ¡How amazing!
I hope that this little look will inspire you for this New year: You can get creative, use different colors and create beautiful looks.
I also hope you liked it very much!
Without further a word, I say goodbye to all of you. I wish you an excellent 2019!
I send you a kiss and a giant hug from Mexico, and see you very soon with a new challenge.

Ana Koppel
Youtuber, charismatic and full of sparkle.
She desn't know the word "fear" and she lives everything intensely.
Animal lover and a believer that you can make a difference in the world by protecting animals. Exclusive user of Cruelty Free products.
Always looking to do different and original things.
Crazy about makeup and image counseling.
In essence: A girl like you, but definitely unique.