5.-A white shirt: With the detail you want (flying, bows, flowers, Mao neck) but white and smooth.
6.-Two cardigans: Keep in mind that they should be used on basic T-shirts, which we do not include in the closet because it is almost as obvious as including underwear (which you should wear without any doubt, even if you do not see it here).
7.-A little black dress: As basic as possible, but not a large shirt. Firm fabric, flattering cut. Here you can read how to find the perfect Little black dress.
8.-Two blazers: Both neutral tones, different cut.
9.-Two coats: For natural reasons, one of them will be a pilot (or Trench), and the other one a coat.
10.-Five blouses or shirts of easy combination: Here we have free way (almost), because we can provide prints, textures, different types of genres and colors. If you choose colors, keep the ranges you already chose for other items. It should be deep and easy-mixing tones.
11.-Six pairs of shoes: Light heels, dark heels, flat or ballerinas, high boots, low boots, and some pair that has to do with your personal style and that is not classic. In the cupboard we made by way of example, a unique pair of Dolce’s with chunky heels that are to die for! We’re sure you have a pair of shoes that are your personal signature, use them!
12.-A good amount of accessories of many colors and styles, not to get bored with your closet. Scarves, hats, watches, hoops, bracelets, necklaces, furs, spectacles, the sky is the limit!
The result will be something like this: